The Imachination Reports accompany the Imachination project as print product. Each report presents the current institution, explains the context and shows some first positions made in the interview series of the reactive zone.
The first report (Novembre 04) is a review of the cycle in 2003. The report for Schloß Dagstuhl appeared at the end of February, the one for the ZKM in the middle of April.
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Report III

Issue April 2005:
Imachinations at ZKM Karlsruhe - reflecting the concept of imachination (with Ludger Brümmer, Barbara Könches, Eva Schürmann, Peter Sloterdijk, Woody Vasulka, Beat Wyss)

Download "Imachination Report III", April 2005, (199 Kb, Pdf)
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Report II

Issue February 2005:

Imachinations at Schloß Dagstuhl - reflecting the iconic turn or better to say the diagrammatic turn in computer science (with Thomas G. Dietterich, David Jensen, Jennifer Neville, C. David Page, Joseph Weizenbaum, Michael Werman, Reinhard Wilhelm)
Download "Imachination Report II", February 2005, (222 Kb, Pdf)
printing partner: 

Report I

Issue Novembre 2004

Imachinations 2003/04 at Germany and Koldewey Station (AWI) at Spitzbergen (with Jean Baudrillard, Ekkehart Krippendorff, Jens Kube, Dominic McIver Lopes, Christa Maar, Helga de la  Motte-Haber, Helga de la  Motte-Haber, Frieder Nake, Lutz Priese, Peter Weibel, Lambert Wiesing)
Download "Imachination Report I", November 2004, (1665 Kb, Pdf)

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or have a look at the detailed interviews at the reactive zone:
